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Beating the Back-up: Parkinson’s, Constipation and Natural Remedies

Don’t let constipation complicate your journey with Parkinson’s Disease.

This is not your normal, over lunch, table topic. At the onset of my PD diagnosis, I had constipation, bad. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat (there was no room) and had to go to a doctor to help me out. It’s not something you write home about.

Having to grapple with Parkinson’s is hard enough without this “issue.” It’s a bit like having a stone in each shoe while you’re trying to walk a tightrope. It doesn’t make the walk impossible, but it sure does make it more challenging and uncomfortable.

So, what do we do? We handle it, of course. I tried many things, but here are the heroes that worked for me… Prunes. Apple cider vinegar. Water. Fiber. These might not be the superheroes we typically envision, but in my journey to fight constipation, they were for me.

Prunes: Not Just Your Grandma’s Fruit

Forget any previous associations you might have with prunes. They’re not just for your grandma’s pantry anymore. These humble, wrinkled fruits are a powerhouse of dietary fiber and sorbitol, a natural sugar alcohol that acts as a mild laxative. Just a handful each day can help keep things moving along. It’s a classic solution — a bit like a long-standing family recipe that never fails. I buy the prepackaged version, Sunny Fruit, from Amazon and eat them for breakfast every day. If I miss a day, I pay the price. 

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Trendy Gut Ally

Apple cider vinegar might seem more at home in a hipster health food store than your medicine cabinet, but there’s a reason it’s been making waves in the wellness world. A splash in your water, a teaspoon before meals, or a supplement can help stimulate your digestive juices, improving digestion and reducing constipation. It’s like adding a dash of spice to a recipe. It may not seem like much, but it can change the whole game. I take a daily supplement of Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother. I’m not sure whose mother, but she must have the family recipe.

Water: The Underestimated Power Player

Water, the essence of life and the most underrated superhero in our arsenal. It’s the simplest solution, but we often forget it in the search for more complex answers. Staying hydrated helps keep everything moving smoothly, like oil in a well-oiled machine. Carry a water bottle around with you, or if you’re feeling fancy, make a jug of herbal tea.

Fiber: The Regularity Champion

Last but not least, let’s talk about fiber, the unsung superhero of our gastrointestinal tract. It allows your fecal matter to retain water, aiding in the movement of food through the digestive system. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains — these are your new best friends. Welcome them to your table like old friends coming for a visit.

There you have it. What worked for me. When I stick to it, I’ve not had a single issue.

Living with Parkinson’s disease can be a high-wire act. But with this natural remedy recipe, you’re well-prepared to take on the challenge of constipation, one step at a time.

So, here’s to health, and here’s to finding the right balance. Walk that tightrope with confidence, comfort and keep moving. And as you do, know you’ve got the support of prunes, apple cider vinegar, water, and fiber. Four unassuming heroes, ready and waiting to make your journey a bit easier.